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Reasons Why Some Male Guests Do Not Allow Photographers Take Pictures Of Them At Events




Hi lovebirds, how are you all doing? I was chatting with a fellow blogger who was appreciating the confidence I have in taking pictures of guests at events. However, I’ve had the opportunity to photograph the most amazing and the most annoying guests ever. When I ask for permission to take photographs of some male guests I get funny answers. Here are some of the reasons why some male guests do not like photographers taking their pictures at events especially photo journalists;

1. They don’t take pictures: I’ve been told this a zillion times and I’m always wondering why these set of men wouldn’t want their pictures taken. Anyway, I appreciate their response and I just move on to the next guests.

2. Some men are shy: When I get such response, I wonder what planet the guest came from. How can a man be shy?

3. Some of these men don’t attend events with ‘madam’: Yes oo! This has been a very frequent response I get. Oga did not attend the event with madam. Instead, he attended with his babe and he knows that there would be fire on the mountain if madam sees the picture. So, he certainly does not want to be photographed with his babe.

4. They don’t want media exposure: Some men are very private, they don’t like the media, they don’t like the exposure. If its not a wait-and-get picture, they aint interested. Often times I respect their privacy and move on.


5. They are badly dressed: A man could be at an event by chance. Maybe he just decided to visit his friend and by chance he had to attend the event with his friend. He knows he is not appropriately dressed so he doesn’t want to be photographed.

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