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Amazing Weddings

H.E.B Wedding: I Want Everyone Attending My Wedding To Surrender Their Smartphones




An H.E.B reader is getting married in August and on her wedding day, she wants anyone attending to surrender their phones, ipads, or any other device they might use to capture or update social media sites on the day. See her reasons below

First, She doesn’t want any horrible pics online nor have anybody disrupting the order of her day as they hustle for pics.

Secondly, she doesn’t want her day broadcasted live online before she even get a chance to do it herself. She intend to have accommodation in place for people to check in their devices or they can save her the stress by leaving it in their car.

She has discussed this with her family and everyone is against it. But her hubby doesn’t care as long as she is happy.

What is your advise for her and would you attend a wedding where u’ll be asked to surrender your devices?

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