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H.E.B Wedding: How/When To Announce Your Engagement Without Hurting The Feelings Of Your Loved Ones.




Hello everyone, trust you’re doing ok and you’re back at work. Today on
H.E.B wedding I’ll be discussing how to announce your wedding
engagement without hurting the feeling of your loved ones. The
experience I’ve had with some of my closest friends actually prompted me to write this article. I remember while I was still in the University and a very close friend
of mine got engaged, being a ‘nice girl’ and considering that we’ve
been friends for over 4 years, I decided to congratulate her but guess
what? She pretended like she didn’t know what I was talking about.
Fast-forward to a 2years later, my ex-roommate/close family friend got
engaged and I heard from someone else. In fact, I knew about her
engagement i knew about it few days to her introduction. Fast-forward
to two months ago, my ex-classmate chatted me up on BBM wanting to
find out if I was in a relationship/engaged. Being a sincere person, I
told her I wasn’t in a relationship talk less of even getting engaged.
She also created the impression that she wasn’t in any relationship
and boom! She got married on thursday. I was shocked when I heard and
saw pictures and then I had to ask myself if this is the way
it’s meant to be.

When a lady gets engaged. Who are the first set of people she’s
meant to inform? When you get engaged, your parents and siblings are
the first set of people you’ll inform and then you inform your close
relatives and your friends. When I mean friends, I’m referring to
those who are very close to you. If you already have children, it’s best you
inform them first before you inform your parents. It is a very wrong
move to announce your engagement on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
before you inform your family, close relatives and close friends.
Although you’ll be excited to share the good news but it’s better to
announce the right way. Imagine finding out your best friend is engaged on Facebook.
You’ll hurt the feelings of your friends by doing that. You could
send an sms, call or invite everyone to a surprise engagement party.

Do’s & Dont’s Of Announcing Engagement

DO: Post something more than just changing your relationship status. Just changing your status to “Engaged to” almost feels like you’re trying to sneak it by. In addition to changing your status, post something fun!

DON’T: Post a picture of just your ring. It’s tacky. You can post a picture of the two of you and you can be holding your hand up, but posting a photo of just your hand or only your ring isn’t the classiest thing. There’s a fine line between being excited about something and showing something off.


DO: Post a photo or change your profile default to a picture of the two of you. It’s a great way to show your special someone how much they mean to you. Also, for those “friends” on your Facebook who may not truly know you, it will give them a picture of what you look like as a couple.

DON’T: Post on Facebook or Tweet it out the minute you get engaged. Although it’s exciting news and you want so badly to shout it from the rooftops, take a second to make this moment precious between the two of you.

DO: Wait until you’ve told everyone important the news before you post it to your social network sites. The worst is to have a close friend or family member see it on Facebook. The close ones deserve face time or a personal call or email!

DON’T: Post a link to your wedding website. You have no idea who you’re going to end up inviting and the list will change over time, so be careful who you share wedding details with.

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