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Ex Chief Justice of Nigeria, Ibrahim Muhammad To Get N2.5bn Benefits



The immediate past Chief Justice of Nigeria, Ibrahim Muhammad, is expected to get a N2.5bn severance package from the Federal Government as part of the package for the retired chief justice, put together by the National Judicial Council.

A mansion will be built for him in Abuja or any city of his choosing with a lump sum for furnishing.

This is in addition to a gratuity that is 300 per cent of his annual basic salary of N3.36m as well as a pension for life.

Just like state governors, a retired chief justice is entitled to at least four domestic staff and sundry allowances for personal upkeep.

This includes allowances for accommodation, utilities, entertainment, medical, security, furniture, and vehicles.


The former CJN would get the financial package based on the provisions of Section 291 (2) and (3a-c) of the 1999 Constitution as well as Section 2 of the Pensions Rights of Judges Act.

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