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Amazing Weddings

Getting Married Soon? Findout Why Your Wedding Day Timeline Is As Important As Your Wedding



The Wedding Timeline is the most important tool that you and all your vendors should have on the wedding day. This will list everything you and the vendors will be responsible for and at what times. The bride and groom should plan out the times of events of the day. The timing of the wedding day is crucial: good planning and timing can help the day run without a hitch.

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Important notes about The Wedding Timeline:

  • Include important details like the date and time of the wedding, the address of the venue, and your emergency contact details
  • All of the vendors, the bride and groom, yourself, and your staff should have a copy prior to the wedding and with them on the day of
  • Include the times of every activity and responsibility of everyone involved
  • Color code the vendors for easy identification of duties

The Wedding Timeline is how you will be successful on the wedding day and ensures everyone is on the same page. This is not something you want to overlook or do last minute. Make sure you have communicated with your vendors in advance to know how much time they need for setup and preparations, to complete their tasks, and for clean up so that you can allot the appropriate amount of time. Giving your vendors a timeline will show very clearly what your expectations are of them and when they need to complete each task so that everything runs smoothly on the big day.

Sample Of A Simple Wedding Day Timelime

8am – 9am : Bride,bridal party,groom, groomsmen getting ready

10am – 12noon : Holy Solemnization


12noon- 1pm : Order of Photographs

1pm-1:30: Arrival of the couple

1:45pm : Chairman Opening Speech

1:46-2pm : Cutting of the cake

2:15 – Toast to the bride & groom


2:15-2:30 : Couple dance

2:30-2:45:  Father & daughter dance, mother son dance

2:45-4pm : Dance! dance! dance !

4pm-4:15 : Presentation of gifts

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