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Personality Spotlight: Meet Iquo Ukoh, Marketing Service Director Of Nestle Nigeria



Iquo Ukoh


Mrs Iquo Ukoh, the current Marketing Service Director of Nestle Nigeria, is undoubtedly one of the most respected Marketers in Nigeria. She is a fellow of the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN) and a member of the American Marketing Association. She is also a member of Nutrition Society of Nigeria, Dieticians Association of Nigeria, and 1st Vice President, Advertisers Association of Nigeria, as well as a council member of the Advertisers Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON)

Key Lessons She Has Learnt On The Journey To Success.

A career laced with success and enormous achievements comes with key learning’s. Lessons can come from an array of activities. Managing tight schedules, striking the balance between family and work commitments, frequent travelling. Leading team members with diverse backgrounds as well and making enough decisions. For Iquo Ukoh, those lessons have come in multiplicity of ways, and she gladly shared some of them.

On People; ” Managing people to get result is one of the key to unlocking a sustainable business. By people here i mean both the people you work with and the consumers”.


On Passion and Knack For Excellence; “I have been fortunate to have had an interesting career. Swinging from Nutrition and Dietetics to being the first female marketing manager and first female on the board of Nestle Nigeria came with lot of determination to succeed. Again, it comes back to having a passion for what you do. This is the fuel that keeps you going when you get tired of the routine of 9-5 as in my case.

On The Consumer Market; Women make up over 80% of shoppers particularly in the area of consumer goods, they therefore are in the position to understand the consumer better and provide the needed solutions to consumer needs”.

On Managing Tight Schedules; “With marketing you need to be practically on the move certainly at the initial part of your career. You need to meet consumers in various geographies that they are, so travelling sometimes takes its toll on the family if the woman is married. Proper planning of your time and of the family are important to ensure that you are ontop of your game”.

Final words

“Marketing is interesting and exciting but is business. You bring along with passion, hard work and open up your mind to create solutions for the consumer”.


Culled from Brand Communicator Magazine

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Aluko Bukola

    April 20, 2015 at 2:23 pm

    “Marketing is interesting and exciting but is
    business. You bring along with passion, hard work
    and open up your mind to create solutions for the
    consumer”. Touche.

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