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Amazing Weddings

The Cost Of Being A Bridesmaid In Nigeria



Hello lovebirds, today I’ll be discussing the cost of being a bridesmaid in Nigeria. At some point in our lives we must have had the honour of being a member of a bridal party for a wedding. Either a friend’s wedding, a family friend’s wedding, your sister or your brother’s friend’s wedding. We just find ourselves always among the bridal party one way or the other.

To be among the bridal train is considered an honour from the bride-to-be and most times, it’s really not polite to turn down the request. The cost of looking beautiful for the wedding will almost drain one’s pocket and you will wonder if you were the one getting married. When a bride-to-be ask her friends to do her the honour of being on the bridal train, the first question they ask is “how much is the dress?”. Below is the budget of the cost of being a bridesmaid in Nigeria for just a regular wedding:

Dress – N10,000
Hair – N10,000 (cheap human hair)
Fixing of the hair – N2,500 – 3,500
Shoe – N5,000
Fixing of nails – N2,000
Accessories – N2,000
Makeup – N1,500
Bridal Shower Contribution – N3,000
Photograph – N400 (Church & Reception Photographs)

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