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Airtel Announces Revolutionary CSR Programme ….Offers Hope, Uplifts Underprivileged with Touching Lives Initiative




Lagos, Nigeria; Wednesday, 16th July, 2014: In a revolutionary move to realize its corporate vision of becoming the most loved brand in the daily lives of Nigerians as well as connect emotionally with telecoms consumers across the country, Airtel Nigeria, has announced a major CSR intervention, Airtel Touching Lives, to enrich Nigerians and provide succour to the under-privileged members of the society . According to the Telco, the initiative marks a significant milestone in the company’s history of CSR interventions in the country, noting that Airtel Touching Lives is a responsive CSR intervention targeted at providing timely aid to underprivileged Nigerians irrespective of their gender, background or geographical locations.

The programme seeks to identify underprivileged persons with specific challenges, pains and struggles with the ultimate objective of providing the needed help to empower and enrich the lives of these individuals. Speaking at the unveiling of Airtel Touching Lives on Wednesday, July 16th, 2014, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Airtel Nigeria, Mr. Segun Ogunsanya, described the programme as a timely, deliberate and responsive CSR initiative aimed at empowering underprivileged Nigerians and tackling the various challenges confronting millions of people. He underlined Airtel’s commitment to the programme, saying the company is devoted to enriching the lives of Nigerians especially the underprivileged people.
“At Airtel, we are passionate about the people we serve and the Nigerian society. Airtel Touching Lives provides a platform for the underprivileged in our society to be identified, heard and also cared for.

“It is our commitment to connect with millions of Nigerians, alleviate their suffering and bring smile to their faces,” he said.
The Airtel CEO also explained that the company primarily embarked on the initiative because of its genuine interest in the general well-being of Nigerians, especially people with special needs.

He added that the project is one of the vehicles by which the company complements the developmental efforts of various governments.
Also speaking on the project, Airtel’s Director of Corporate Communications and CSR, Mr. Emeka Oparah, expressed the readiness of the telecommunications operator to contribute to efforts of government, non-governmental organisations and individuals who are highly-spirited like Airtel Nigeria in humanitarian courses.
“Touching Lives is one of the philanthropic gestures of Airtel Nigeria designed to connect and alleviate the suffering of helpless people across the country. This initiative underscores our determination to enrich lives and contribute to humanity.”
The programme allows Nigerians to nominate disadvantaged persons who are in need of care or special interventions.
Entries can be sent in via SMS, phone calls to the short code 947 or via email to:

Also, nomination letters not more than 1000 words can also be submitted at Airtel Showrooms, shops and dealers outlets nationwide. Interested people can also go to Airtel Facebook page and Airtel CSR/Touching Lives web page for further information.
Airtel Touching Lives Season 1 is scheduled to run on both satellite and terrestrial TV stations as a 13-week series with a weekly feature of two individual stories of beneficiaries of the project. It opens with a call for entries from the focus groups over a period of four weeks.

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