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Bomb Blasts kills 200 In Jos market



Two blasts hit Jos Terminus Market today in Nigeria’s central city of Jos, and 200 are reportedly killed by the incident.
According to the area governor, the two bombs were concealed inside a truck and a minibus the military said.
“There were two separate blasts,” at the New Abuja Market, Pam Ayuba said, referring to the attack at about 3:00 pm. “We are yet to know the casualty rate,” he added.
“The first IED (improvised explosive device) was in a truck. The second was in a minibus,” said Kingsley Egbo, of the military State Task Force (STF) in Plateau state, of which Jos is the capital.
“The market was really crowded,” he added. “We are having a problem of crowd control… The emergency services have evacuated the casualties,” he said

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