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Dr. Sign Fireman Opens Up On Alleged Murder Tale, Says Police Have Established His Innocence




Dr Sign Fireman Ukoha, the General Oversser of the Aguda, Surulere, Lagos-based Penticostal church, Perfect Christianity Ministeries, was quizzed by the Police over the alleged ritual murder of a 12 year-old girl, Bose Ogoja by a boy, Ikechukwu Egboka. The suspect claimed he was paid N100,000 by the cleric to strangle a virgin to obtain faeces for him to become rich. Dr. Sign Fireman recounts his ordeal with the police. Read excepts from the interview below.

The story in the media a few weeks ago was that you were arrested by the Police in connection with the murder of a teenage girl. What really happened?

When I got to hear about this, I drove in my car by myself with one of my pastors,. And we went to the police station to confront the ‘nonsense’, because I couldn’t understand it. The story that I was bundled by the police and arrested is a lie. I drove myself to the station. A bundled man cannot drive, so, we went and confronted the matter.

What are the facts of the matter that made the police establish your innocence?

The story goes that i told the boy to bring a faeces of a virgin. That’s a lie. I have never met the boy in question. He claimed the mother attends one of our branches in Badagry. Imagine the distance between Badagry and Lekki, Lagos. A lot of times I’m not in the country. When did the boy meet me? I don’t even think he is a member of any of our branches. If I really want faeces, I could ask for it from the streets. Why do I have to kill to get faeces? The soak away are there, too, how could I have sent a boy that is yet to sit for WAEC? Then they said I promised him N100,000 pocket money. When I was in school, my parents never gave me N100,000 pocket money. It never happened. So, if you look at the case, It is filled with tissues of lies. Who will even rob a bank for N100,000. Now to kill someone, it is N100,000 I will pay. That’s not realistic. Nobody can do that. So the thing is rubbish! The boy could not even identify my house. He doesn’t know the number of my house, the street or the Colour. The story claimed that the boy lives with me, what does he need pocket money for? How do you get broke living with a General Overseer with over 100 branches? How can that happen? Its like living with Bishop David Oyedepo and claim you are broke. Money for what when everything you need is in the house?


So how did it go with the police when you reported yourself?

When I got to the station, I told the police to investigate me based on my allegation. They even came to church. I said, you come and search the church, and they did. When they couldn’t find anything incriminating , i said let’s go my house in Lekki, Lagos. I had to assist them because they didn’t know where my house is. I was investigated for days without them finding anything incriminating me. That was why they asked me to go. They said I’m free unless there is any other need to invite me because I have been cleared by the Director of Public Prosecution(DPP) I have the document here.

It was alleged that you used the following Sunday to make money off your gullible congregation whom you asked to use your case as a contact point to contribute money so that what happened to you will not be their potion.

That is another lie from the pit of hell. I didn’t even preach that day, I didn’t even come to church early unlike before. I usually come to service as early as 5:30am you would see people in our church; even at 5am or so. I didn’t preach. I met the church on.

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