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Amazing Weddings

Photos From Dapo Lam Adesina’s White Wedding




The holy solemnization between the son of the late ex-governor of Oyo
state, Dapo Lam Adesina and Oluwatosin Osewa took place yesterday at the Redeemed Christian Church of God while the reception ceremony took place
immediately at Yard 158, Ikeja. Among the notable dignitaries at the event was the former governor of Ogun state and All Progressives Congress chieftain, imageChief Olusegun Osoba who was also the chairman of the occasion. The present governor of the state (Oyo), Governor Ajimobi and his delectable wife, Florence Ajimobi were also spotted at the event was Hon. Adeworare and some members of the All Peoples Congress.

The event was a good one in terms of organization,
the decor was on point, the center pieces, charger plates and
cuttleries were very neat and classy. The band headed by the son of Ebenezer Obe rendered good music and of course, singing the praises of Gov Ajimobi ( APC Things) lol! …hmmmm! What else?! #thinking# Yes! The D. J was WACK… The cake was nice, lots of food, drinks and finger food(small chops)… Well behaved service boys, imagethey were neatly dressed too….the bridesmaid’s dresses were nice and the ladies were pretty… And then there were three MC’s can you beat that?! I really do not think that was necessary though… I’ve seen Mr
Gbenga Adeyinka emcee an event, it was Peter Okoye’s wedding and the guests were more than the thrilled at this event… Although I noticed emceeing Peter’s event was quiet stressful for Gbenga Adeyinka but he was able to handle the event well…

He was very professional but for this particular event, I
didn’t see the need for three MC’s at all because it is not a political rally…lol! Just my thoughts though… That’s it about that, in the mean time, see pictures from the event below and don’t forget to leave comments… Had to take the pics myself,image those photo journalists at the event showed me pepper, although my dress didn’t help matters but Photos From Dapo Lam Adesina’s White Wedding but I still managed to take some shots… So don’t forget to rate my pictures…let me know if my shots were good or not or just average… The bottom line is that you should leave a comment after reading.. Lol

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