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Extreme Punishment: Schoolboy Has To Undergo Eye Surgery After Teacher ‘Ordered Classmates To SLAP Him 40 Times For Not Doing His Homework’



Sch Boy

Sch Boy

A 12-year-old Chinese boy has had to undergo eye surgery after his teacher allegedly told his classmates to slap him in the face. The boy, was reportedly struck around 40 times after he failed to do his homework.

article-2534651-1A72F02A00000578-975_634x422The teacher even apparently told the other pupils that the loudest slap would get a prize.
The boy, said: ‘After being slapped, the teacher then made me do push-ups and did not allow me to eat lunch.’ He said later that night he realised he couldn’t see properly out of his left eye.
The teacher who ordered the slapping allegedly claimed that punishing the children helps them to progress in class.
The boy’s mother said the school had given the family 30,000 yuan (£3,000) in compensation, which they had already spent on the operation.

Walahi, this teacher is wicked ooo!

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