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2015 Elections: OBJ Urge Nigerians To Fast And Pray



Former President Olusegun Obasanjo on Tuesday urged Nigerians to keep fasting and praying ahead of the 2015 elections, saying that only God that has power to appoint leaders. Obasanjo said, “If there is anything that I would ask of you, it is that you should never stop fasting and praying for Nigeria. I always say that I’m an incurable optimist about this country.

“In my short span of life, I have seen a few unexpected things in this country when we thought that the end would just happen, but God made us to scale through.

“I personally never thought we would have a leader like (late Gen. Sani) Abacha in this country, I was a victim of his despotism but God saw us through that situation.

“There iss no situation we see or worry about that God will not see us through. That is my belief and that is what gives me confidence, it gives me courage, it gives me the ability to work for the country’s unity.

“No matter what is happening, to me and the country, all will be well. And those of you who believe all will be well for Nigeria should continue to shout Hallelujah. God has done it for us.”


Obasanjo said this when the National President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, Dr. Felix Omobude, paid him a courtesy visit in his Abeokuta, Ogun State, home.

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