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View Photos | Cache Of Weapons Being Hoard By Fauzi Fawad Owner Of Amigo Supermarker, Wonderland Park In Abuja.




The Joint Task Force (JTF) Kano, while displaying cache of weapons and ammunitions linked the co-owner of two major businesses in Abuja as the main person involved in a major terrorist operation, which was discovered recently in Kano state.
In statement signed by JTF spokesperson in Kano, Ikedichi Iweha, said one Fauzi Fawad, who is a joint owner of Amigo Supermarket and Wonderland Amusement Park, was mentioned as a member the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist cell in Nigeria.

According to the JTF; “On 28 May 13 a combined team of the JTF involving the NA of the 3 Brigade here in Kano and the Kano state DSS conducted a thorough search of this house located at No 3 Gaya Road off Bompai Road Kano belonging to one Abdul Hassan Taher Fadlalla a Lebanese national who is currently out of the country. After painstaking search of the whole premises, the search team uncovered an underground bunker in the master bed room where a large quantity of assorted weapons of different types and caliber were recovered.”

The Security Operatives also said that; “The bunker was specially constructed for this purpose. It is worth mentioning to say that the weapons include anti tank weapons, rocket propelled guns, anti tank/anti personnel mines among other dangerous weapons. All the weapons and ammunition recovered were properly concealed with several layers of concrete and placed in coolers, drums and bags neatly wrapped.”
The Operatives also said that these discoveries were not accidental but the outcome of an ongoing robust counter terrorism investigation by the Department of the State Services Abuja in the past several months.

According to the Statement also said that; “The investigation also confirms the existence of a Hizbullah Foreign Terrorist Cell in Nigeria. Consequently, the DSS on 16 May 2013 arrested one Mustapha Fawaz the co-owner of the popular Amigo Supermarket as well as the wonderland Amusement Park all in Abuja. Thus, his arrest and confession unveiled other members of the foreign terrorists network which led to the interception of one member of the syndicate named Abdullah Tahini a Lebanese national at the Mallam Aminu

Kano International Airport with undeclared amount of sixty thousand United States Dollars on him enroute Beirut. Thereafter on 26 May 2013 one Talal Roda also a Lebanese with Nigerian Passport was arrested in this same house.”
Meanwhile the JTF said that all the persons that were arrested in connection with the terrorist cell in Kano have confessed to have undergone Hizbullah terrorist training and further implicated one Fauzi Fawad, also a co-owner of Amigo Supermarket and wonderland Amusement Park.

The report by the JTF also said that, Fauzi Fawad is now at large, he is being trailed by the Security Operatives; “The arms and ammunition were targeted at facilities of Israel and Western interest in Nigeria, however, the security agencies are making frantic efforts to unveil the true situation. At the end of investigation, all those involved will be prosecuted.”




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