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More Drama: Solomon Akiyesi Landed Hot Slap By Uloma




Sunday April 14,2013 a day after his botched third Marriage,Solomon went to Visit Uloma in Ikeja where she is cooling off from prying eyes and ‘questionaire’ friends and he got more than he bargained for.

Angry Uloma watched as Solomon paid her a visit and began to plead for forgiveness and a second chance….She sat and watched the man she had been dishing out money to in love…..She watched and lost her cool and people in the house watched as Uloma repeatedly landed hot,teeth displacing slaps on Solomons face.

Solomon was rescued by concerned in house observers and asked to leave.he left with smoke oozing out of his entire face due to the hot slaps.

It is confirmed that Ulomas Family members have spoken to Ezinne and confirmed she is the orignal wife number one.

Culled from StellaDimokorkus

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