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The beautiful wife of Ex Biafra Leader Late Dim Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu yesterday suffered probably what would have been one of her most agonizing moment of her life since the death of her husband ,when she was for over eleven hours held hostage along the Lokoja Abuja road which was totally flooded by the river Niger.
Bianca who arrived the scene accompanied by her children was on her way to Enugu in her chauffeur driven black Land cruiser Jeep Registration number DF 333 ENU with another accompany white utility van Registration AN 36 A03 arrived at the place at about 10am in the morning of Saturday 22nd September 2012.
While trying to manouveur her jeep against traffic,she got stock and was not allowed to move to the other end of the road by security men who were controlling the traffic.
Her vehicle was at a spot under the chaotic situation for over seven hours since the water has made movement passable. The frustration could be seen on her face as she cursed her misfortune at the situation she found herself and probably wishing her late husband was by her side to handle the situation. Agitation was also seen on the faces of her children. A security man in mufti had a hectic time trying to pave way for her all to no avail.

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The recently appointed ambassador finally made her way through a foot path that were created by miscreants who were collecting toll fares at about 8pm .
Later on she was again seen at about 9.45pm at Nisi Petroleum Filling Station making frantic phone calls to whom we could not ascertain. She finally left the scene some minutes past 10pm to an unknown destination with her children.
The question on everyone’s lips that witnessed the drama why would Bianca decide to go through such stress knowing fully well the situation at Lokoja.
Wouldn’t it have been much easier and better to fly her family to Enugu rather than taking such risky venture?
Is the acrimony going on between her and OJukwu’s family affecting her financial standing that she can no longer afford flight tickets for her and her kids?.
Would Bianca have gone through such stress if her amiable husband were alive?
These pictures showed Bianca in her car going through what so many Nigerians go through daily. We hope she will be able to relate her experience to her boss, President Goodluck Jonathan so that something urgently could be done to ameliorate the sufferings of Nigerians on that route..

Photo credit : CKN




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