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Last Tuesday, entertainer, Charly Boy, turned 61. Are you surprised? Don’t be; if you overlooked his theatric and predilection for the bizarre and unorthodox, which have sustained the Charly Boy brand over the years and survived many tempests, he is a grandfather many times over. Thus, he should have cause to celebrate. However, he did not. He chose the occasion of his birthday to inform his media friends of his intention to formally institute legal action against a national newspaper which he claims published a fabricated interview with him where he purportedly declares himself gay and head of the Illuminati fraternity.

“I am not gay. And I think it is the height of irresponsible journalism for anybody to just sit down and fabricate an interview where I purportedly declare myself gay. The fact that everybody is taking a right turn and I decided to take a left turn does not make me a bad person. I don’t do fraud; I don’t do yahoo-yahoo and I’m not in government. Showbiz is my life and I would go the whole hog to remain relevant. So many things have been written about me over the years, good and very bad, but this is the worst and I’m not going to let it slide,” he says. He states emphatically that he is suing the paper for N1bn because, according to him, the newspaper refused to do a retraction even after another newspaper which lifted the story had retracted it and apologised.

 His counsel, Ope Banwo, also adds that at this juncture, there was no going back on the case because his client had bid his time hoping the damage would be redressed.

“We are waiting for the SAN who will come in their defense. This is an outright case of libel,” Banwo says.

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