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Opa Williams Jets To India For Surgery



The spate of Nollywood practitioners going to India for treatment for medical attention is growing by the day. Few days after, veteran actor Enebeli Enebuwa died in the Asian country,Nollywood Producer/Director,Initiator and founder of world acclaimed comedy show..A Nite of A Thousand’ Laugh,Opa Williams has travelled to India for operation for an undisclosed ailment. The multiple award winning Director according to our exclusive scoop arrived India yesterday and on his way to Bangalore, Bangalore for the surgery.

Opa Willaim acknowledged same in a post on his social media page ,which read thus
“How things change, how new things, places, experiences spring up before you and take priority over all else. It’s 5.00 am and I am in Dubai waiting to catch a flight to Bangalore, Bangalore that name was never known to me some three months ago, even going to Dubai was not in my things to do list a month ago. But am here sitting and waiting for my flight to Bangalore south India and that will be like 6 hours from now. What’s on my mind? Get there and do this damn surgery and get back to Lagos and revisit my drawn things to be done for the year 2012. This was just a distraction that God has conquered”

Reacting to this news, Chief Dele Momodu had this to say ““I have just heard the news that one of Nollywood’s most outstanding personalies, Mr Opa Williams has joined many other Nigerians on medical pilgrimage to India. This development is heartrending! Why’s everyone going to India when it is obvious many dead bodies have been returning? Chief Wole Adeosun, Mr May Nzeribe and a number of other Nigerians came back dead. I really pray for my dear Brother and friend, Opa Williams who has done our country proud and wish him speedy recovery by the grace of God. Unfortunately our country has not done us proud and our people now have to seek cheap medication in India when the best at home is beyond the reach of the ordinary citizens! Nigeria parades some of the best surgeons on earth but can’t function nor perform at home due to the lacklustre vision of our leaders who would rather waste our commonwealth on flights of fancy like presidential jets and palaces rather than invest aggressively in the future of our kids through sound education and excellent health. Shame on us”.

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